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© Miyazaki Waniouch
Please, add the photo credit whenever you use the photographs below: © Miyazaki Waniouch
Press clippings
• Jazzwise (UK)
• “Best albums 2014”
• Soul and Funk Music
• Indie BIscuits
• Music Crowns
• Indie Music Mag
• Pop Loving Tarts
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
Sillitoes’ website
Blog LeftLion
Nottingham Post
Blog Gerryco 23
Viva la Musica | June 2012
J’aime bien John Aram. Il se lit comme un roman anglais un dimanche de pluie, quand le thé attend dans l’infusoire. Puis vient un rayon de soleil. En regardant alors par la fenêtre on aperçoit dans la rue au-dessous le héros du livre. C’est un jeune homme portant un étui de trombone qui se rend à une surprise party.
Tribune de Genève | March 2012
Construit sur la trame narrative d’un livre devenu film et du Nottingham des années 1950 – sa ville d’origine – John Aram a écrit une partition remarquablement équilibrée qui sera rehaussée d’images vidéo réalisées en direct. Read full article
Left Lion | November 2, 2011
Putting on a gig with a truly local theme this week, Jazz Steps saw John Aram bring a five-piece band (plus a guy on a laptop making pretty pictures) to play his suite based around Alan Sillitoe’s most famous novel, “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning”. Read full article
Jazz Event at the Ambassador’s Residence | November 2011
On 20th October the Embassy and the British Council hosted a very special event at the Ambassador’s residence. John Aram, the renowned jazz musician, composer and teacher brought his quintet to Bern for an evening with invited guests.
John Aram’s new composition was inspired by the film “Saturday Night Sunday Morning”, based on the work of the late Alan Sillitoe, one of the UK’s most reknowned authors who died last year.
Alan Sillitoe’s website | October 27, 2011
Over £112 raised in donations at a performance of John Aram’s jazz suite inspired by “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning” which took place at the Bonnington Theatre, Arnold.
With projections and dialogue from the film version of 2Saturday Night and Sunday Morning” accompanying the performance, and the proceeds of the band’s raffled CDs kindly donated to the statue fund, it was a night to remember. Our thanks to everyone who donated, and congratulations to the raffle winners! Read full article